Candida is a genus of yeast that, along with the different fungi, are living inside our bodies. The problem occurs whenever the Candida begins to grow uncontrollably, thus causing an infection otherwise known as candidiasis. Candida infections are considered being the most common cause of a fungal infection in humans. Unfortunately, little is to be done against such harmful and recurring infections.
The symptoms of candida infections
Thanks to our normal microflora, the levels of Candida are kept under control. But whenever our immune system is compromised, that is when the problem begins. A weakened immune system, diabetes, the use of antibiotics, and high-stress levels are all factors that can lead to a Candida overgrowth. Symptoms such as oral thrust, joint pain, fatigue, recurring urinary tract or genital infections, and digestive issues are some of the common symptoms occurring due to a Candida infection. The symptoms have a tendency to reoccur over time.
Treating Candida infections with the use of a newly developed drug
The best way to fight Candida infections is to solve the underlying cause. That, and certain lifestyle changes, can help prevent recurring infections. There are certain antifungal drugs, such as Fluconazole, for example, that have proven to be effective in the past. However, this drug is ineffective against Candida biofilms, which leaves us with the need to develop new antifungal drugs. That, however, is easier said than done. Because the yeast cells are so similar to our cells, it is quite challenging to develop antifungal drugs without causing a long list of harmful side-effects.
But recently there has been some good news. A study published in the International Journal of Pharmaceuticals has discussed finding a way to potentially improve the efficiency of Fluconazole against Candida biofilms. The researchers working on this study explained how microorganisms use chemical signals as a way to communicate with each other. The idea was to use some of these exact signals as antimicrobial drugs.
And that is what happened. Researchers have found a specific chemical signal released from a major bacterial pathogen, that they were able to successfully use to improve the efficiency of Fluconazole against Candida biofilms. Although more investigating has to be done in the future, what the researchers know so far seems quite promising. They are optimistic when they say that future pharmaceuticals and researchers will be exploring the antimicrobial properties of the microbial chemical signals, potentially developing effective treatments. In addition, they have expressed their desire to use this new technique to investigate the efficiency of the new and improved drug formulation by using an animal model and hopefully even using human subjects in the near future.