Cat Allergy: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

About 25.4 million households in the US alone own a cat. These pets are popular, and many people prefer them over other animals that can be kept in the house. One problem that some people have with cats is the fact that these animals are some of the most common pets that many individuals experience allergies. 

Cat allergies can be very unpleasant. This is especially a concerning factor for a person who wants to own a cat as a pet – or those who have already adopted a cat. Recognizing the symptoms of a cat allergy can help a person initiate appropriate remedies and treatments to reduce the effects that the allergy has on them. 

Cat Allergy Symptoms

There are several symptoms that may develop when a person with a cat allergy comes into contact with this type of animal. It is important to note that for some people, symptoms may take a while before they develop. This can make it hard to detect the presence of a cat allergy in some cases. 

Symptoms that people need to be on the lookout for include:

  • Skin may become itchy
  • Eyes may be red
  • The eyes may also feel irritated
  • There may be respiratory symptoms, including coughing
  • The person may have a stuffy nose
  • Sneezing may occur
  • There are cases where a rash can develop

Individuals with asthma may also experience an asthma attack when they come into contact with a cat – should they suffer from a cat allergy. 

Cat Allergy Causes

Understanding the causes behind a cat allergy is important. This is a reaction by the immune system when it comes into contact with certain substances that the cat’s body produce. These substances are produced by the anal glands, saliva glands, and the sweat glands of the cat. 

It is important to consider the fact that a person is generally not allergic to the hair of a cat. Instead, some substances come into contact with the cat’s fur – and this is what causes the allergy symptoms to flare up. Dander, saliva, and urine are only three examples of substances that may cause an allergic reaction if they end up on the fur of the cat. 

Remedies For Cat Allergies

There are ways to manage cat allergies effectively. Allergy shots are often used by people. This is also known as immunotherapy, and it can help to desensitize the individual’s immune system to the specific substances that cause cat allergies. 

Removing carpets and rugs from the house can also be useful. Frequent grooming of a cat is also essential for a person with this type of allergy. 


Being allergic to a cat is a disastrous finding for a lot of people, especially those who have recently adopted one of these pets. When cat allergy symptoms are identified, it is important to consider the causes and take appropriate actions. There are some remedies that may yield an effective reduction in symptoms experienced. 
