Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. If you are pregnant and have been diagnosed with chlamydia, you are probably also very concerned about the possible consequences to your unborn baby. It should also be noted that pregnant women with untreated chlamydia infection have a higher risk of stillbirth, premature birth, miscarriage, or other complications. So, the first thing you should do is contacting your doctor, so that the proper treatment is prescribed.
Chlamydia Treatment in Pregnant Women
Chlamydia, like other sexually transmitted infections, increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and potentially life-threatening fetal formation outside the womb. The first step, therefore, is to take a chlamydia test and preferably get tested for other sexually transmitted diseases. Chlamydia is a relatively cheap disease to treat in pregnant women, as one gets a written prescription of antibiotics by the doctor. You will most likely get a long-term cure of 7 days (Doxycyklin®), but in some cases, a doctor may choose Azitromax®. This is a well-known treatment, and research shows that treatment with antibiotics for chlamydia during pregnancy is safe for both pregnant and breastfeeding women.
When treatment is started, the doctor will advise you to take another test 3-5 weeks later, in order to check that the treatment has been effective. It is rather uncommon for patients to experience severe side effects from using drugs against chlamydia. The most common are relatively harmless conditions, such as diarrhea, vomiting, and dizziness. If you are allergic to antibiotics, you should inform your doctor about this.
Is it Safe for the Unborn Child?
The biggest risk associated with chlamydia during pregnancy is that the infection can be transmitted to the baby. But if chlamydia is treated before birth, this will most likely prevent transmission to your baby, because the medication is transferred from mother to child.