Chlamydia Infection

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia infection does not always cause symptoms.  A very high number (up to 60-80%) of the infected persons are unaware of it. It is a very serious infection, and may result in infertility.

More: Chlamydia bacteria


The main route of infection for chlamydia bacteria is unprotected sex in any form: vaginal, anal and oral. The risk of getting infected by chlamydia increases with frequent partner change. What is more, chlamydia infection also increases the likelihood of being infected with other STDs. The reason for this is that the immune system is weakened while it is fighting chlamydia infection.

More: How can you prevent HIV?

More: Typical symptoms STD’s

Symptoms of chlamydia

Majority of infected individuals experience no symptoms at all, especially women. Only roughly 20-40% of the infected persons notice any symptoms. Symptoms usually show 2 weeks after infection.


  • Increased and different vaginal discharge in terms of quantity, color and consistency.
  • Irregular bleeding between menstrual periods
  • Itching and burning in the genital area
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Discomfort during urination
  • Itching and burning in the anus
  • Throat infection


  • Watery discharge from the urinary opening
  • Smarting and burning during urination
  • Itching and discomfort in the foreskin and urethra.
  • Rashes and sores on the penis
  • Itching and discomfort in the anus
  • Throat infection

There are also other more serious symptoms of chlamydia infection. These occur if the disease spreads to the pelvic area and blood:

  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Fever

More: Chlamydia symptoms


If chlamydia is not treated in time, it may cause very serious complications. That is especially true for women. It might cause pelvic inflammatory disease, where the infection spreads to the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus. That is a very serious case, since it may cause scarring of the fallopian tubes. The end result of this is infertility. It also increases the risk that future pregnancies are ectopic. Ectopic pregnancy means that the fertilized egg attaches itself outside the womb. It is a very dangerous illness. Not only it ends with abortion but it may as well pose a serious risk to a woman’s life.

We encourage all young women with chlamydia symptoms to consult a doctor. Women who often have unprotected sex with random partners should test themselves regularly with a chlamydia test.

It is uncommon for men to get serious complications from chlamydia. However, there is always a possibility that the disease spreads to the testicles and prostate. This may result in a very painful infection, with the risk of damage to these organs, and in some cases, even infertility.


We advise anyone suspecting chlamydia infection, to consult a doctor. He or she will take a test to check if you are infected. If the answer is positive, you will most likely receive treatment with antibiotics. Preventing Chlamydia.

An alternative to doctor is purchasing chlamydia test online. This test is very sensitive and reliable. It enables you to regularly test yourself for chlamydia if you are particularly vulnerable.

More: Chlamydia testing and diagnosis


The most common treatment against chlamydia bacteria is a 7-day treatment with Doxycylin®. In some cases, a single dose with a stronger Azitromax® is prescribed.

More: Chlamydia treatment with antibiotics


There are two main rules to reduce the risk of chlamydia infection:

  • Using a condom during casual sex
  • Reducing the number of sexual partners

More: Chlamydia prevention
