Gonorrhea and Pregnancy: How Does This Infection Affect Pregnant Women?

Gonorrhea is an extremely prevalent bacterial infection. It is estimated that every year around 1.14 million people in the U.S. get infected with more than 50% of those who carry it being younger individuals between 15 and 24 years old.

Gonorrhea and pregnancy have a significant connection. The women infected have a much higher chance of transmitting the infection onto the fluid and amniotic sac, which can rupture the membranes in the womb and cause a miscarriage and premature birth.

There is also a high possibility it will get passed onto the unborn child and cause numerous health complications. If you want to learn more about gonorrhea and pregnancy, like how the infection can impact an infected woman, you’ve come to the right place. This is a thorough analysis of how gonorrhea can affect a pregnant woman. Do you wonder how can gonorrhea influence the womb? Here is everything you need to know about this infection during pregnancy.

How to Recognize Gonorrhea Signs During Pregnancy?

It’s incredibly difficult to spot gonorrhea during pregnancy. Since it takes a while for the signs to appear, the first early signs of the infection are often misjudged for a typical bladder infection. In later stages, however, the symptoms may be a lot more obvious, which can include:

  • Pain when urinating
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Itching in the anal area
  • Sore anus
  • Painful bowels

The problem is that even if these symptoms do appear, they may not mean that you are infected with gonorrhea. They could also be signs of a different STI like chlamydia or syphilis. To know if you are infected, the only way to make sure is to get tested for gonorrhea.

How Is Gonorrhea Treated During Pregnancy?

This type of bacterial infection can easily be managed in pregnant women if it is detected on time. There are many ways to treat this infection, depending on how severe the infection is. The typical way of treating it is with a prescribed dose of ceftriaxone. This is a medication that is safe to use for pregnant women.

This is also a typical method used for treating gonorrhea in the infant. These medications don’t pose a risk for the health and safety of the child either, which is very important when choosing an adequate treatment option. The only way to receive these treatments is to contact your doctor.

What Happens If a Pregnant Woman Doesn’t Receive Proper Medical Care?

If the infected pregnant woman doesn’t get on-time treatment, she can become more susceptible to other STIs, including HIV. She will also be more vulnerable to infections in the uterus after she has given birth. 

How to Steer Clear of Gonorrhea When Pregnant?

It’s important that you prevent gonorrhea from manifesting in the body for a long time. The best way to prevent it from affecting your child or the womb is to get screened at the first prenatal visit. If you believe to be at risk of getting infected, it’s best to take precautions when having intercourse. Use contraception when in contact with your partner or any sex toys you might be using.

