Since the initial coronavirus outbreak that happened in early December 2019, we have been faced with this dangerous virus that keeps spreading and killing more people each day. What is even more frightening about it is the fact that researchers and doctors know very little about this virus to start with. Luckily, they keep learning on the way and that is how they concluded that individuals struggling with chronic diseases need to pay special attention and protect themselves as much as they can, preventing this virus from ever touching them.
Since the coronavirus attacks the respiratory system, it is normal for those of you with allergies and chronic respiratory diseases to be afraid, especially now that we are closer and closer to the allergy season. That is why we wanted to share a few tips on how to protect yourself against COVID-19 if you are struggling with seasonal allergies.
Why allergy sufferers are exposed to a greater risk of COVID-19?
When an individual would inhale pollen, as the major allergen during allergy season, their immune system overreacts to its presence, thus causing an allergic reaction to take place. As a result, the individual then experiences characteristic allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and throat, etc.
The problem with allergies is that there is a process of inflammation that is happening inside the respiratory system. Because of it, the respiratory system is more fragile and sensitive, making it easier for bacteria and viruses to come in and cause an infection.
This is why it is easier for allergy sufferers to get affected by the new coronavirus, developing COVID-19 as a result. However, it is because of their sensitive respiratory system and their overreacting immune system, that it is more likely for these individuals to experience more severe symptoms of COVID-19 as compared to the general population. This is where the importance of protection and prevention steps in.
How to protect yourself from COVID-19 during allergy season
If you are struggling with a known seasonal allergy, we highly recommend the following steps that are supposed to help protect you against COVID-19.
- Start your allergy treatment early – Allergy symptoms are usually treated by using over-the-counter decongestants and antihistamines, steroid nasal sprays, and even allergy shots when needed. These medications help control the symptoms and reduce their severity, making the overall situation more bearable and manageable. Consult your doctor about starting your treatment with these or any other medications that have helped you control your allergy symptoms in the past early this year. By taking these medications, you will be able to reduce the severity and frequency of your symptoms, thus reducing the present inflammation and the mucus production in your body. This will help you to strengthen your respiratory system and improve your chances of avoiding being affected by the virus.
- Practice social distancing and self-isolation – During these times, it is important to limit your contact with other people as much as possible. Avoid going to crowded places, and even work from home, if possible, to avoid getting in contact with anyone, except the people that you might be living with. This will significantly help you reduce your risk of getting affected by COVID-19.
- Practice good personal hygiene – Now is the time to remind yourself about everything that your parents and teachers have taught you about maintaining good personal hygiene. Washing your hands often by using water and soap, showing, and avoiding to touch your face with dirty hands is a must. Do remember to wear a face mask and gloves whenever you go grocery shopping when you use public transportation, etc.
Coronavirus threatens to take even more lives if we do not take things seriously. And that means everyone should look out for themselves. Special attention deserve those of us who have been diagnosed with a chronic disease and even those who are struggling with seasonal allergies, as it turns out. Because seasonal allergies cause inflammation, that serves as an easy path for the new COVID-19 to take place, causing possibly severe symptoms that we would like to prevent. We highly recommend protecting yourself with the prevention tips that we have shared today.