Information about rapid test for HIV

It is important that people in these risk groups testing herself regularly with a rapid test for HIV since the disease does not always give the infected some clear or unambiguous symptoms. HIV is usually asymptomatic third of those infected at an early stage and the disease can weaken the immune system is irreversibly overtime before it is detected and treated. This period may last for several years in some people, so as to constitute a possible risk of infection to other people. We, therefore, recommend that all persons in vulnerable risk groups “screener” itself regularly with our test kit for HIV so that they can capture a possible HIV infection at an early stage. You should, however, consult a doctor immediately for thorough medical evaluation if you have a strong suspicion of active HIV infection or symptoms suggestive of active disease.

How does a quick test for HIV?

HIV is caused by the HIV virus (human immunodeficiency virus), which is transmitted through unprotected sexual contact, blood products, and from mother to child during birth. The virus its a structure composed of proteins that are specific and unique to this species of virus, and the body forms antibodies to these proteins in an effort to combat the infection. An HIV test contains substances that bind to these antibodies as they opptstår. A small drop of blood drained from the patient, and if the person has HIV antibodies in the blood – shows sample a positive result! It does take a while before the body fails to make sufficient amounts of antibody that can be detected by a rapid test for HIV or through tests for HIV in the laboratory, and thus will your test kit have an accuracy of 80 percent after 3 weeks and 100 percent after 3 months ago estimated time of infection. This means that you must test regularly periodically if you are in a vulnerable risk group so that a possible HIV infection captured early in the course of further diagnostics and testing for HIV.

Running an HIV test at home?

A rapid test for HIV is a screening test that detects the presence of antibodies to HIV 1 and HIV 2 in blood, and the entire test procedure takes less than 15 minutes.

Our rapid test for HIV has a simple and rapid test procedure:

Start the test by opening the sealed container along the edge. Remove the test cassette from the container and place it on a flat, clean, and dry surface.
Sample material collected by tapping a few drops of blood from the index finger with sprøytelansetten and this dropwise on the test pad of the test cassette.
Add a few drops of buffer solution.
Wait for colored stripes to occur. Read the result after 15 minutes.
How reads one result from a test kit for HIV?

Negative: Only 1 pink stripe will be visible. This indicates that there is no detectable anti-HIV in the blood used for the test.
Positive: Two pink stripes will be visible. This indicates that the sample contains a detectable amount of anti-HIV, and when should a physician be contacted as soon as possible.
Invalid: If no colored lines are visible, this is an indication of a possible fault in the performance of the test. The test should be conducted again, using a new and unused test tape.
