STD Test 4-in-1 Screening
€24.79 -
Chlamydia Test
€8.26 -
Herpes Test
€7.43 -
STD Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Test Kit
€13.21 -
Syphilis Test
€9.08 -
Gonorrhea Test
€8.67 -
STD Test 3-in-1 Screening
€21.48 -
Dog dander allergy test
€13.21 -
Cat dander allergy test
€13.21 -
Candida Test
€15.69 -
Dotted Condoms
€6.18 -
Ragweed allergy test
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STD symptoms
Overview Chlamydia
Majority of infected individuals experience no symptoms at all, especially women. Only 20-40% of those infected do actually notice any symptoms. Symptoms usually appear about 2 weeks after infection.
- Increased and different vaginal discharge in terms of quantity, color and consistency.
- Irregular bleeding between menstrual periods
- Itching and burning in the genital area
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Discomfort during urination
- Itching and burning in the anus
- Throat infection
- Watery discharge from the urinary opening
- Pain and a burning sensation during urination
- Itching and discomfort in the foreskin and urethra.
- Rashes and sores on the penis
- Itching and discomfort in the anus
- Throat infection
Chlamydia is one of the most common STDs, especially among young, sexually active people. This disease usually cause no symptoms, and, if untreated, may lead to very serious complications. It might even result in infertility in both women and men. Stay safe with the Chlamydia Rapid Tests!
Overview Herpes
Herpes type 2 affects less than 10 percent of the population, and usually spreads in the area around the genitals, in the form of genital herpes. This form of disease has more frequent and more dramatic outbreaks, and may in some cases be very difficult to treat.Genital herpes is an infection caused by the virus HSV-2 (herpes simplex virus 2). HSV-2 infection can cause painful outbreaks in the genital region, but often has no symptoms.
- Blisters on genitals or crouch
- Tinling sensation in the genital area, butt or thighs.
- Irritation and/or itching in the genital area.
- Headache, muscle aches, fever, and swollen glands, very much similar to flu symptoms
- Pelvis pain and discharge
- Pain or burning sensation during peeing because of ulcers or blisters.
- Abnormal sensations (irritation, itching, burning, tingling) in the genital region.
- Flu-like symptoms (fever, fatigue, headaches and chills).
- Pain with urination (due to blisters in the urethra).
- Swollen, tender lymph nodes in the groin.
- Muscle aches and pains in the groin and low back.
Although there is no cure for herpes, you can take measures to avoid becoming infected, or to prevent spreading HSV to another person. Individuals with HSV-2 should avoid any type of sexual activity with other people during an outbreak. If the individual is not experiencing symptoms but has been diagnosed with the virus, a condom should be used during intercourse. But even when using a condom, the virus can still be passed to a partner from uncovered skin. Get twsted with the HSV – Hepres SImplex 2 – Rapid Test .
Overview HIV
Many of the infected individuals feel completely healthy before the first phase is over. The viral level (concentration of the virus) eventually stabilizes at a lower level than during primary infection. Virus level during the primary phase determines how quickly the disease progresses. High level is associated with a faster disease progression. The course of HIV is characterized by gradually reduced immunity, followed by recurrent viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections. This continues until the body’s immune system is completely impaired. This last stage is called AIDS. The rate of disease progression amongst people with untreated HIV varies greatly. Studies show that over 50% experience no symptoms during the first 10 years after the HIV infection. On the other hand, others get AIDS after only 2 years.
- Men who have sex with other men
- Sexually active individuals with an immigrant background
- Individuals who have had sex with people with an immigrant background
- Individuals who have had heterosexual intercourse in countries outside Europe
- Fever.
- Neck pain.
- Swollen lymph nodes.
- Muscle and joint pain.
- Rash.
HIV is a very dangerous viral disease that attacks and weakens the immune system. The infected person eventually becomes more susceptible to other infections of bacterial, fungal and viral origins, which are normally harmless to healthy individuals. HIV virus is transmitted primarily through bodily fluids, through blood and sexual intercourse (anal or vaginal sex). HIV infection usually does not cause any symptoms during the first month. So the person might spread the infection with no awareness. Therefore, it is very important that people who are in risk groups for HIV infection would test themselves regularly with HIV Rapid Test.
Overview Gonorrhea
Symptoms of gonococcal infection for men and women are slightly different. It is common that most men experience some symptoms of gonorrhea. On the other hand, just under a half of infected women do not experience any symptoms.
- Yellow-green discharge from the vagina
- Burning and pain during urination
- Abdominal pain
- A rare symptom is irregular bleeding between menstrual period
- Burning and pain when urinating
- Greenish-yellow discharge from the urinary opening
- One or two swollen and tender testicles
- Red and sore skin on the penis tip
Gonorrhea infection can also show symptoms in the throat (oral sex) and rectum (anal sex).
Gonorrhea has become somewhat of a less common STD in recent decades. Today, it is more common among homosexual men. However, it has recently become more frequent among heterosexual men travelling outside Europe, so one must always be aware of the risk that unprotected sex poses. In most cases, gonorrhea infection causes clear symptoms for men. However, it is very common for infected women to experience no symptoms of this disease. So, if you feel that there is a risk to be infected by this disease, we stongly recommend you to take our Gonorrhea Rapid Test.
Overview Syphilis
Syphilis is characterized by three distinctive stages with very different symptoms. The first two of those stages are especially important to be aware of:
The first stage is characterized by a so-called chancre, that is a small painless sore on or around the penis head, vagina, mouth, throat or anus. It appears approximately three weeks after infection. It is also common to have swollen and painless lymph nodes in the groin. However, these symptoms are experienced by only around 60-70% of the infected individuals. It means that one can infect other persons without knowing it. A chancre usually disappears within 6 weeks to 6 months.
The second stage of syphilis infection consists of an infectious active phase with or without symptoms, and a latent phase without symptoms. During the active phase one feels very sick: fever, large swollen lymphnodes throughout the body, and almost any organ can be involved – which means that it can sometimes be difficult to diagnose this particular disease. The most specific symptom that may occur is warty sores on or around the penis head, vagina or anus. The latent phase of syphilis does not show any symptoms. However, the infected person is still highly contagious.
The third stage starts after a long time and only if the disease is not treated. It may take up to 30 years after infection before the third stage actually occurs. It is characterized by various symptoms in either brain, heart or joints – or all together. The third stage of syphilis occurs in approximately 30 percent of those who did not receive treatment in time. In the past, before before antibiotics were invented, syphilis often resulted in paralysis, psychosis, brain damage, heart failure and various deforming injuries to face, cartilage tissue and joints.
Syphilis is a relatively rare STD among the general population. However, it is common in certain groups of people, especially among homosexual men. This disease is caused by spirochete bacteria. It initially causes swollen groin lymph nodes and a bloody wounds on the genitals. These symptoms are classic, but a significant proportion of the infected individuals experience no symptoms at all. We strongly recommend everyone who is at risk of getting syphilis infection, to take the Syphilis Rapid Test regularly.