Not satisfied with your purchase? No problem! is committed to providing the best service for our customers. Therefore, we provide a full refund for all the goods that are defected or do not meet your expectations.
30-day return policy applies to all purchases. Return costs are borne by the costumer. Returned items must be in the same condition as when you received the goods. The item(s) must be returned in undamaged original packaging. If , the item is damaged or otherwise in a condition that will reduce sales value of the goods, the return policy is automatically applied. Contact us if you have doubts.
If you notice something wrong with the item(s), please notify us immediately. It would be sufficient if you complain within a month after you discovered the error, but the best for both parties is letting us know as quickly as possible. The main rule is that the complaint must be filed no later than two years after you took the goods. The deficiencies must have not arisen as a result of a misuse of the product, or other improper behavior that has caused damage. Please contact us if you have any question about it.