Shocking Discovery Shows 4,000 Service Personnel Having Been Affected by STDs In the Past Two Years

Over the years, we came to discover many different sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that have had their effect on humanity. Nowadays, four of them seem to be the most commonly talked about with those being HIV/AIDS, chlamydia, genital syphilis, and HPV (human papillomavirus). 

As the term suggests, these infections are transmitted through having unprotected sexual intercourse, including oral, vaginal, and anal sex, but there are other ways in which these infections can be transmitted as well. Many STDs cause no symptoms whatsoever, which only makes it easier for them to spread, affecting more and more people. The number of STD cases seems to be increasing each year, on a global level, but that did not make the recent discovery sound less shocking than it is.

4,000 New STD cases among service personnel in the last two years have been recorded

New statistics show an alarming increase in STDs cases among service personnel in the last two years. During 2018, there have been 2,194 new cases of STDs, whereas, in 2019, there have been approximately 2,269 new STD cases. The statistics have also shown that it was the Army that had the highest number of new STD cases with that being as high as 2,459, followed by the Navy with 916, and the RAF with 727 new STD cases. 

Among the most commonly reported STDs were HIV, chlamydia, genital syphilis, and gonorrhea, with chlamydia having been the cause for the majority of new cases. In 2018 and 2019, chlamydia has caused a total of 1,678 new cases. Chlamydia often characterizes itself with a lack of symptoms as it can take a while for the first symptoms to take place. If left untreated, this infectious disease can potentially lead to infertility, but also pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), chronic pelvic pain, etc. 

81 male and female soldiers, but also sailors and aircrew, have been diagnosed with HIV, 63 have been diagnosed with gonorrhea, which makes genital syphilis the least common one, having affected only 25 service personnel. All of these infectious diseases pose major threats to our health, with HIV being the most dangerous one, causing the potentially life-threatening disease AIDS, which can end up in death. 

But the service personnel has also been affected by hepatitis as well. 68 defense personnel have been diagnosed with hepatitis. What is frightening to learn is the number of new herpes cases with that number being 677. Genital warts have also been quite common, affecting 627 individuals. Such high numbers show clearly show that the prevention and advertisement champagnes have failed at educating the service personnel about the need to recognize and act against their STD symptoms as soon as possible. 
