Chlamydia is one of the most common STDs, especially among teenagers and young adults. One of the main reasons for this is that the infection does not cause any symptoms for more than half of the infected individuals. Chlamydia has several types, but the genital disease is the most common.
Symptoms of Chlamydia in Lower Abdomen
The genital disease is the most common chlamydia form among the infected. However, symptoms in the genital area for men and women are different:
Typical signs of chlamydia for men
It is not uncommon for the infected men to experience no symptoms of chlamydia. But a symptomatic infection usually causes the following signs:
- Stinging and burning sensation during urination
- Clear discharge from the urinary tract
- Itchy and aching discomfort around the foreskin of the penis
- Red rash on the glans
In some cases, chlamydia bacteria can cause epididymitis, meaning that bacteria has spread to the epididymis:
- Swollen and tender testicles
- Swollen and tender epididymis
In rare cases, chlamydia progresses into the prostate, and that causes these symptoms:
- Pain and burning during urination
- Difficulty starting to urinate
- Pain during ejaculation and orgasm
- Groin pain
Typical symptoms of chlamydia for women
Women with chlamydia experience no symptoms in over 70 percent of cases. It means that the disease is often not detected and treated in time. The most common symptoms and signs of chlamydia for women come from the urinary tract and cervix:
- Burning and discomfort during urination
- Increased amount of discharge that has changed color, smell and consistency
- Irregular bleeding outside the assumed menstrual period
- Burning and itchy discomfort in the abdomen region
- Sexual intercourse can be painful and uncomfortable
- Bleeding during and after sexual intercourse
Chlamydia infection can sometimes result in pelvic inflammatory disorder (PID), better known as a pelvic inflammation. This causes abdominal pain, and severe manifestation of the disease must be treated immediately to avoid unwanted complications (for example, infertility).
Signs of Chlamydia in Throat, Rectum and Eyes
Chlamydia bacteria might attack any mucuous membrane in human body.
Proctitis – this form of the disease is usually transmitted through anal sex, and occurs most commonly in men who have sex with other men. A proctitis will cause itching, discomfort and discharge from the anus and rectum.
Pharyngitis – chlamydia in the throat is uncommon and usually causes no symptoms. This throat inflammation is rare, and can cause sore throat and hoarse voice.
Keratitis – this is an eye infection with chlamydia that very rarely affects adults. This infection may have sight threatening implications. Commonly, newborns get this form of chlamydia, because they are infected by an untreated mother during birth. If the disease is detected and treated in time, there is a high probability that the child will not loose his sight. Therefore, it is very important for women to take a chlamydia test if they plan to become or already are pregnant.