Chlamydia and Pregnancy

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. If you are pregnant and have been diagnosed with chlamydia, you are probably also very concerned about the possible consequences to your unborn baby. It should also be noted that pregnant women with untreated chlamydia infection have a higher risk of stillbirth, premature birth, miscarriage, or … Read more

Chlamydia in children and newborns

One of the most commonly transmitted diseases in Europe is chlamydia, every year an untold number of people, both men and women are affected by chlamydia. It is not just women who are at risk when it comes to chlamydia infection; there is a huge possibility that it affects the fetus when the woman is … Read more

Chlamydia in women

Article about chlamydia in women

Statistically, Chlamydia remains one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections in the United Kingdom, with about 10% confirmed diagnoses out of the total tested in 2018. The young population aged between 15-24 years make up the majority of the infected population. In women, the symptoms and signs of Chlamydia do not show in its … Read more