Chlamydia definition


Sexually transmitted diseases and infections have existed all through our own existence as humans. The only difference is that nowadays, we have more than enough methods and techniques that can help us eliminate these infections from the very beginning. And yet, we fail to see the much-needed decline in the rates of these common diseases. … Read more

Chlamydia in women

Article about chlamydia in women

Statistically, Chlamydia remains one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections in the United Kingdom, with about 10% confirmed diagnoses out of the total tested in 2018. The young population aged between 15-24 years make up the majority of the infected population. In women, the symptoms and signs of Chlamydia do not show in its … Read more

Complications of Chlamydia

Chlamydia complications

Chlamydia is not a new infection, and there is nothing to be scared about as long as you are ready to take the right steps. Millions of people are infected with Chlamydia all over the world. Chlamydia is also not a life-threatening or dangerous infection in its early stages. It only becomes dangerous if you … Read more