What Happens If You Have Chlamydia For Too Long?

Chlamydia complications

Some sexually transmitted infections are much more prevalent than others – and chlamydia is an excellent example of one common STI that affects millions of people. Almost two million people are infected with chlamydia bacterial infection each year in the United States. Even though chlamydia falls within the four major bacterial infections currently considered curable, … Read more

Chlamydia symptoms with pictures

Chlamydia complications

Chlamydia has been a global problem for most of the population for many years now. It’s an extremely prevalent bacterial infection that can be transmitted through sexual contact. It’s so common that the number of infected is estimated at 2.86 million people every year. This sexually transmitted infection is present in 2.7% of men and … Read more

Chlamydia and Pregnancy

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. If you are pregnant and have been diagnosed with chlamydia, you are probably also very concerned about the possible consequences to your unborn baby. It should also be noted that pregnant women with untreated chlamydia infection have a higher risk of stillbirth, premature birth, miscarriage, or … Read more

Chlamydia Infection


Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia infection does not always cause symptoms.  A very high number (up to 60-80%) of the infected persons are unaware of it. It is a very serious infection, and may result in infertility. More: Chlamydia bacteria Transmission The main route of … Read more

Chlamydia: Prevention of Infection

Chlamydia is one of the most common STDs, especially among teenagers and young adults age 15-25 years. The disease is caused by an infection with chlamydia bacterium. It adheres to the mucous membranes, usually on the inner surfaces of the genitals. Consequently, it is transmitted through sexual contact, and one single touch between the genitals is enough … Read more

Complications of Chlamydia

Chlamydia complications

Chlamydia is not a new infection, and there is nothing to be scared about as long as you are ready to take the right steps. Millions of people are infected with Chlamydia all over the world. Chlamydia is also not a life-threatening or dangerous infection in its early stages. It only becomes dangerous if you … Read more