Oral Gonorrhea

Many people, especially teenagers, consider oral sex as “safe sex”, but this is not always the case as safe sex is not just about preventing undesired pregnancy. “Safe sex” also means avoiding sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV, chlamydia, syphilis, or gonorrhea. Oral sex is in fact not “safe sex” if a condom is not used since … Read more

Gonorrhea in the eye

Gonorrhea is one of the most contagious infections caused by bacteria. It is most often transmitted through sexual activities – oral, vaginal, and anal. Other parts of the body can also be infected with this gonorrhea, such as the eyes and throat. Newborns can also get gonorrhea from their mother during labor, in which case … Read more


Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection which is caused by Neisseria gonorrhea and transmitted through sexual intercourse. Gonorrhea is most common amongst homosexual males as well as people who have multiple partners. The symptoms of gonorrhea are evident between 2 to 7 days after infection, and some of those symptoms include getting a green or yellow … Read more