Gonorrhea Symptoms

Gonorrhea is the most common of sexually transmitted diseases in young people. The bacterium known as Neisseria gonorrhoeae infects mostly the warm moist parts of the body. Since it is a sexual disease, these parts are the genitals and rectum. Under rare circumstances, you can contract the disease in your throat and eyes.  Men usually suffer damage … Read more

Gonorrhea and Pregnancy: How Does This Infection Affect Pregnant Women?

Gonorrhea is an extremely prevalent bacterial infection. It is estimated that every year around 1.14 million people in the U.S. get infected with more than 50% of those who carry it being younger individuals between 15 and 24 years old. Gonorrhea and pregnancy have a significant connection. The women infected have a much higher chance … Read more

Signs and Symptoms of Gonorrhea

A gonococcal infection having noticeable symptoms is dependent on how the disease was transmitted and the gender of the infected person. Men experience gonorrhea symptoms in most cases, while for women, only a little bit more than half of them experience symptoms of gonorrhea. For this reason, anyone who falls in the risk groups or … Read more