All You Need To Know About HIV

Mycoplasma Genitalium Bacterial STD Leads To Potential HIV Image

Despite the worldwide prevalence, HIV is still a source of various misconceptions. When it comes to HIV, most of us know it’s a lifelong condition that doesn’t have a cure, but there is much more to it. In this post, we focus on HIV, causes, symptoms, screening tests, and other info you need to know. … Read more

Researchers Report Higher Rates of Dyslipidemia Among Women Diagnosed With HIV/AIDS

Researchers Report Higher Rates of Dyslipidemia Among Women Diagnosed With HIV/AIDS

Three main types of fats are found in the human body with that being high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides. The disbalance in the levels of these fats is known as dyslipidemia. Dyslipidemia is a condition that most commonly characterizes itself with high levels of low-density lipoprotein or triglycerides or low levels of high-density lipoprotein.  … Read more

How Can You Prevent HIV?

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Since there is still no cure found for a dangerous infection such as HIV and the disease that it often leads to, with that being AIDS, all that we are left with is prevention. At this point, to prevent HIV and AIDS is the only thing that we can do in order to reduce the … Read more

Mycoplasma Genitalium Bacterial STD Leads To Potential HIV

Mycoplasma Genitalium Bacterial STD Leads To Potential HIV Image

The World Health Organization refers to HIV as a global epidemic. By 2018, an estimated 37.9 million individuals throughout the world were infected with this sexually transmitted disease. Among people aged between 15 and 49, an estimated 0.8% are currently infected with HIV. Researchers are constantly trying to find ways to improve preventative strategies currently used … Read more

Treatment of STDs

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are a global issue, but some parts of the world experience more cases of STDs than any other. These regions include North America, India, and parts of Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa experiences the highest amount of sexually transmitted diseases in the whole world. Types of STDs There are many types of STDs, … Read more

Modern Treatment of HIV

Since HIV first appeared in the early 1980s, various strides and advances have been made to create a treatment for the disease. In the early stages of discovering the disease, patients usually lived for a few years after getting infected, but over the years, people infected with HIV can live long and live normally as … Read more

Information about rapid test for HIV

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It is important that people in these risk groups testing herself regularly with a rapid test for HIV since the disease does not always give the infected some clear or unambiguous symptoms. HIV is usually asymptomatic third of those infected at an early stage and the disease can weaken the immune system is irreversibly overtime … Read more

Common complications of HIV and AIDS

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HIV is a virus that festers in the body’s white blood cells, thereby weakening the body’s immune system. It disables the immune system as well as its ability to fight off illnesses. Statistically, about 101,000 people are living with HIV in the United Kingdom, and 92% of them are diagnosed. This means that for every … Read more