Chlamydia is an STD caused by the bacterium Chalmydia trachomatis. This infectious disease does not cause any symptoms in over half of the cases. This is the main reason why chlamydia is the most common STD among 15-25 people. Untreated chlamydia infection can result in serious complications, such as pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. That is why it is very important to test for chlamydia if there is any suspicion. Chlamydia test should be taken in case of the following:
- Symptoms of venereal disease in the form of burning during urination or runny discharge from the vagina or urethra.
- Frequent sex partner change, unprotected sex
- Sex with people from risk groups
Testing and Diagnosis of Chlamydia in Medical Institution
Diagnosis of chlamydia is based on an individual’s medical history, symptoms, microscopy, and laboratory analysis. First, a doctor usually asks if you have noticed any symptoms, whether you have had and if so how many people you have had unprotected sex with. The doctor will then take the sample that is investigated through a microscope and then brought to the laboratory for further analysis:
- Men: Urine sample and swab from the urethra
- Women: Analysis of urine and swab from the cervix
Your doctor will inspect the sample through a microscope to check if there are white blood cells with chlamydia bacteria. If he/she can not find any chlamydia infected cells in the sample material, you need to wait a week to get the results from a laboratory. Then you can be given treatment.
Home Test for Chlamydia
Chlamydia bacteria produce and secrete specific substances that can be detected using a test. This test is very sensitive and gives a positive result approximately 7 days after infection date. Such a chlamydia test is recommended for those who often have unprotected sex with new partners. It is recommended to discuss the results together with a medical professional.