Typical Symptoms of STDs

We cannot possibly imagine how many people are currently living with at least one of the common STDs while being completely unaware of its existence. Many of the common STDs are causing no symptoms at all, at least not at the beginning, but there are also many people who are noticing the symptoms, but they fail to recognize them as the symptoms of STDs. Today, we will share the typical symptoms of STDs with you so that you would not make that mistake in the future.

STDs – How common are they?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), as the term suggests, are serious diseases that are transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse – oral, vaginal, and anal sex. The list includes HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia, among others. 

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), more than 1 million STDs are acquired each day. In fact, back in 2016, there have been approximately 376 new cases of STDs on a global level. The risk factors for STDs include having unprotected sexual intercourse, being involved in sex work, having experienced sexual assault, being a man who has sex with other men, etc. 

What are the typical symptoms of STDs?

Many of the common STDs do not cause any visible symptoms at all. This makes their diagnosis and treatment a lot harder. It is worth mentioning that leaving any STD untreated can and will have serious complications later in life. In fact, some STDs, such as HIV, if left untreated, can potentially end your life. 

This is what makes it easier for the STDs to spread in the way that they do. When the carrier is not aware of its presence, he/she continues having unprotected sexual intercourse with other partners in the future, thus infecting them with the same STD as well. This is why it is of vital importance to get tested in time.

Now let’s list the most common symptoms caused by STDs. That way, you will be able to notice their presence in time and consult your doctor to get tested and treated, if needed, in time.

  • Sores or warts in the area of the mouth, anus, penis, or vagina – Sores are usually caused by syphilis while the warts are more commonly caused by HPV (Human papillomavirus). They are both usually painless, which is why it usually takes such a long time for the patient to notice their presence.
  • Swelling and/or redness near the vagina, penis, and testicles – These are characteristic symptoms of gonorrhea and chlamydia. Gonorrhea can also cause pain around the testicles to appear as well.
  • Skin rash – Skin rash is usually seen within all of the previously mentioned STDs.
  • Painful urination – Gonorrhea, and chlamydia are often associated with painful urination, among both women and men. Genital herpes can also cause painful urination due to the presence of any blisters, bumps, and ulcers that it leads to.
  • Discharge from the vagina or penis – It is not unusual for gonorrhea and syphilis to cause discharge from the vagina or penis. The discharge may be yellow, green, or white in color, with a more watery to a more slimy consistency. Usually, a strong odor accompanies the discharge.
  • Painful sexual intercourse – Due to genital warts, ulcers, bumps, etc. that the common STDs lead to, the patient can experience pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Yellowing of the skin – Hepatitis often leads to a characteristic yellowing of the skin and/or the whites of the eyes, a condition referred to as jaundice.


Knowing the symptoms, at least the most common ones, of the dangerous STDs that are around us is just as important as practicing safe sex to protect yourselves against them. We hope that you will not remember these common symptoms and ask for help when needed. 





