Pet Allergy Test


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Pet Allergy Test Kit

The cost of allergies in the United States are over $18 billion each year, and more than 50 million people in the country suffer one or more allergic reactions annually. While many are allergic to the pollen in the air and perhaps to certain foods, it is important also to recognize the fact that it is possible to develop an allergy to pets. Cats and dogs are at the top of the list when looking at pet allergies, but it is also possible to have these reactions when a patient comes into contact with other types of animals.

Fur allergy is a collective term for an allergic reaction to cats or dogs, but this can also include hamsters, horses, etc. These types of allergies usually cause red, itchy and watery eyes, as well as running nose with sneezing and in some cases, shortness of breath. If you suffer from cat or dog allergies, there is a good chance that your children will have it, too. Being aware of the allergy type is very important, ant that’s where allergy test might be of great help.

Pet Allergy Test Contents

  • Cat Dander Allergy Test
  • Dog Dander Allergy Test
  • Total IgE Test

    Included in each individual test:

  • Individually packed test devices
  • Package insert
  • Disposable pipettes
  • Whole blood buffer

Pet Allergy Test Instructions

Cat Allergy Test instructions EN

Dog Allergy Test instructions EN

Total IgE Rapid Test instructions EN

What Are Pet Allergies?

Pet allergies are a type of reaction that the immune system has when certain proteins that are present in the saliva, urine, and skin cells of an animal comes into contact with the body. The immune system reacts by creating certain compounds that fight against these proteins – and this causes a range of symptoms to develop. Some people may only experience a few mild symptoms when they come into contact with a pet that they are allergic to, but it is possible for a patient to have a more severe reaction. In fact, asthma may become significantly worsened when in the presence of a pet for some people.

Symptoms Of Pet Allergies?

Pet allergies tend to create symptoms that provide an obvious indication for this particular condition. This makes it easier for people to recognize the fact that they might be allergic to a specific type of animal. The symptoms will generally start to develop moments after the person comes into contact with a pet. Some people experience allergies to more than one type of animal, while others may only develop these symptoms to a specific type of pet.

Symptoms experienced when a pet allergy may include:

  • Postnasal drip
  • Sneezing
  • A runny nose
  • Itchy and red eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • An itchy nose
  • The itchy roof of the throat or the mouth
  • Facial pain and pressure
  • Swollen eyes
  • Coughing
  • Nasal congestion

    Who should test for pet allergy?

    There are many different theories on what causes allergy, but research shows that the risk of developing allergies is higher if one of the parents has had it:

    • One parent with allergies – 40% chance for a child developing it, too
    • Both parents with allergies – 60 -80% chance that their child will develop it, too

    So, if you are at risk for allergy and aware of its symptoms, you should take a test. Pet allergy cannot be cured, but proper treatment can greatly improve your quality of life!

Why Get Tested For Pet Allergies?

Testing for pet allergies can help a person make a better choice when it comes to choosing a pet, but can also help an individual identify why they are experiencing certain symptoms. These tests will usually provide details on cat and dog allergies, but additional allergic reactions may be experienced to other pets as well. When tested positive for a pet allergy, treatment options can be discussed with a doctor.

When To Consult A Doctor?

A patient should consult with a doctor if they find that they experience the symptoms mentioned above when they come into contact with a specific type of animal, such as a cat or perhaps a dog.

Pet allergies might be unpleasant, but they do exist and can sometimes cause severe allergic reactions. Individuals who recognize these symptoms should consult with a doctor to determine the best approach to addressing the allergy that has been identified. Certain treatments can help to reduce allergic reactions and improve asthma symptoms.
