Syphilis Test


The Syphilis Rapid Test Cassette (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma) is a rapid chromatographic
immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies (IgG and IgM) to Treponema Pallidum
(TP) in whole blood, serum or plasma to aid in the diagnosis of Syphilis. In this test procedure, recombinant Syphilis antigen is immobilized in the test line
region of the test.

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Syphilis Test

While some diseases and infections that are transmitted through sexual intercourse and related activities tend to cause symptoms soon after the patient is infected, there are a number of these conditions where the patient may not know that they have the disease for many years. In some of these cases, severe complications can develop.

Syphilis is one of these conditions. While an initial symptom does tend to develop, patients often do not notice it and can go several years without knowing that the bacteria is lying dormant in their bodies. This particular STI affects more than 30,000 people in the United States each year. Between 2016 and 2017, there was a 10.5% increase in the prevalence of Syphilis among the US population. When statistics from 2013 and 2017 are compared, the increase in the diagnosis of the condition rises to 72.7% for the time period.

Contents of Syphilis Rapid Test

  • Test casette
  • Droppers
  • Buffer
  • Package insert
  • Lancets
  • Specimen collection containers

How To Use Syphilis Rapid Test

Syphilis cassette instructions EN

What Is Syphilis?

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that is caused by a type of microorganism, classified as bacteria. The bacteria that causes Syphilis infection is known as Treponema pallidum. The condition is transmitted from one person to another most commonly through sexual intercourse, where an infected person’s sore comes into contact with the uninfected individual. Transmission of the bacteria can occur through skin contact, as well as mucous membrane contact.

While Syphilis is generally not considered serious during the initial stage, the condition can cause significant damage to several parts of the body when it transitions into a later stage. Treatment can help to rid the body of the bacteria that causes the infection, but early intervention is required to stop

Syphilis Quick Facts

  • Is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.
  • 10 to 90 days incubation period.
  • Divided into stages.
  • Among the most common STD’s.
  • Can cause severe complications if untreated.

What Are The Symptoms Of Syphilis?

The bacteria that causes Syphilis initially enters the body of the uninfected and may lay dormant for some time. At the site where the bacteria have entered the body, a sore will develop. This sore is known as a chancre. In most cases where a person is infected with Syphilis, only one of these sores will develop, but there are cases where more than a single chancre may affect a person. The sore is painless in most cases, which is why a number of individuals may not notice it. There are also times where the sore may develop in the rectum or the vagina, which means it is hidden from the visible eye.

During the stage where the chancre has developed, the patient is considered to have primary Syphilis. It takes up to six weeks for the chancer to heal.

Once the chancre has healed, the patient will usually enter the stage of secondary Syphilis. At this point, a rash will usually develop. The rash may start at the trunk of the patient, but will usually cover the patient’s entire body eventually. In most cases, the rash that develops will not be itchy, but sores that look like wars may develop in the genital region of the patient, as well as in the mouth.

In addition to the rash, additional symptoms may be experienced during this stage. These symptoms may include:

  • Lymph nodes may become swollen
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle aches
  • Hair loss

After a couple of weeks, many patients tend to find that these symptoms go away. This is when the disease enters a stage known as Latent Syphilis. During this stage, there will not be any symptoms until the infection moves to the Tertiary stage, often called Late Syphilis. Not all patients with Syphilis will enter this stage.

When Late Syphilis develops, the patient may experience damage dealt with several parts of their body, including:

  • Liver
  • Joints
  • Brain
  • Bones
  • Heart
  • Blood vessels
  • Eyes
  • Nerves

Why Get Tested For Syphilis?

While the initial stages of Syphilis are not considered harmful to the patient themselves, when this condition is not treated early on, it can lead to potentially life-threatening complications. Patients face risks such as gummas on their liver, bones, and even on their skin, when the disease transition into a late stage. There may also be neurological damage, cardiovascular problems, and a higher risk of HIV.

Additionally, pregnant women are also advised to get tested for Syphilis as the condition can pass on to the fetus during pregnancy. In turn, this can cause a number of complications with the unborn baby, including stillbirth. There is also a significantly higher risk of a miscarriage when a woman is infected with Syphilis while she is pregnant.

A blood test is often used to test for Syphilis in individuals who might be infected. The blood sample will be tested for specific antibodies that the immune system creates in response to the presence of the bacteria that causes this infection.

When To Test For Syphilis

While the initial sore that is caused by Syphilis often goes unnoticed, the condition can lead to severe complications when not treated during the initial stages. Patients are not only advised to look for sores that may signal Syphilis frequently, but also to get tested for this infection if they have had unprotected sex, or are considered among the higher risk groups.

When To Consult A Doctor?

It is crucial for a person to consult with a doctor if they notice a sore, especially when the sore is not painful. This becomes especially important of the sore develops shortly after the individual had unprotected sex with someone. A rash that develops in the genital region is another signal that the patient should consult with a doctor.
